Partener de implementare


Protecția animalelor

Labute pe suflet - donatia ta salveaza vieti la Homeless Animal Hospital

World Animal Veterinary Emissaries

Suma target

135.115 RON

400.000 RON

2104 Donații ONG

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Last year we started the construction of the special center for sterilization of dogs and cats ABC (ANIMAL BIRTH CONTROL) in which attached will also operate a training center for those who want to learn more about animals and their needs. Now we are in the phase where we have to equip the center with surgical furniture (lamps, tables, anesthesia machines, stainless steel cages, autoclave, instruments). Here we want to sterilize monthly over 1000 dogs and cats from disadvantaged areas and from the cadrtul of needy families. Only in this way we will manage to make our actions be seen, by limiting unwanted births and increasing adoptions. Your help is needed to complete the center and to be able to offer daily sterilization from scratch lei! Together we manage to do good to the animals!  

Detalii proiect

Aria de acoperire


Perioada donații

22.01.2021 - 01.12.2023

Scopul proiectului

The Homeless Animal Hospital project is active in 2 locations in Craiova and Bucharest East Ilfov. We want to be able to develop the project in the country and we hope in the Republic of Moldova.

Beneficiarii proiectului

World Animal Veterinary Emissaries - founded 10 years ago!

De ce să donez?

Because this unique project is unique in many ways and the cause of animals is one that deserves your donation.

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Galerie media

World Animal Veterinary Emissaries

Suntem o echipa de medici veterinari dedicata cauzei animalelor fara stapan. Credem ca putem face mult mai mult pentru animalele fara stapan si de aceea am sterilizat pana acum 65000 caini si pisici , am printat si distribuit 17000 brosuri educationale si am creat primul proiect de ajutorare a animalelor fara stapan care au nevoie de ingrijire medicala .